A Centralised Cyber Security Policy with Yearly Audits becomes Mandatory Across Government Departments

Oliver Dowden, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, has confirmed the necessity for organisations to have a centralised cyber security policy with yearly audits, as part of his announcement of GovAssure, the new cyber security scheme to be implemented across government.

Oliver Dowden states, “Cyber threats are growing, which is why we are committed to overhauling our defences to better protect government from attacks. Today’s stepped-up cyber assurance will strengthen government systems, which run vital services for the public, from attacks. It will also improve the country’s resilience; a key part of our recent Integrated Review Refresh.”

Peritus Cloud Security, a cyber security specialist has seen, with the explosion of cloud and SaaS applications, the breadth of exposure is only growing and becoming more complex.  We have found too often the team or employee who heads up cyber security for their organisation is unable to even identify how many applications reside within their networks/infrastructures nor if a breach has already occurred.

This is where Peritus Cloud Security can help. Peritus is a vendor agnostic cyber security specialist, creating bespoke and robust cyber security policies which cover every facet of an organisation’s network, workforce and third party suppliers.

To enable us to create these policies, Peritus Cloud Security has developed a suite of assessments which not only take a view of an organisation’s current cyber security posture but can also identify areas of improvement and remediation, in order to meet audit and regulatory requirements.

Peritus Cloud Security has partnered with some of the best of breed and most innovative and disruptive technologies in the market; not just to secure organisations now but in order to future proof against the proliferation of advanced threats.

Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you improve your organisation’s cyber security policies.



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