Network & Cloud Security Management

With the sheer volume of cyber threats and their level of sophistication increasing, security professionals are struggling to keep up. Adversaries can now utilize cloud-scale automation and AI to launch attacks against enterprises. Unfortunately, these attacks can lead to business disruptions, data loss through theft or destruction, and reputational damage, particularly when personal data is compromised.

Organisations are moving more applications to the cloud and employing a more hybrid workforce, which further expands their attack surface and exposes them to additional risks. Security teams are asked to manage more devices, more data, from more locations. As a result, security teams require enhanced visibility, flexibility and security for exposed areas, and centralized control of their security infrastructure.

To combat these challenges, Peritus Cloud Security adopts a proactive approach to identifying and stopping both known and unknown threats in real-time, utilising multiple integrated security features that can scale without impacting network performance.

Types of Network Security Technologies and Solutions


Firewalls monitor inbound and outbound traffic on networks with predetermined security rules to prevent malicious traffic from entering the network. Next-generation firewalls (NGFW) are widely used today to block malware and application-layer attacks.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall (WAF) filters, monitors, and blocks HTTP traffic flowing to and from a web service. By inspecting HTTP traffic, a WAF can prevent actors from exploiting known vulnerabilities in web applications, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injections (SQLi), improper system configuration, and file inclusion.

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)

IPS technology detects or prevents network security attacks such as brute force and DoS attacks and exploitation of known vulnerabilities. An IPS can help quickly block exploits of known vulnerabilities, which can potentially allow threat actors to achieve various malicious goals, like gain control of an affected system.

Network Segmentation

Network segmentation is a technique that enables organizations to define boundaries between network segments. A network segment can be a location housing assets with a common function, role, or risk within the organization. Network segmentation allows additional internal boundaries to be defined within the network to achieve improved access control and security.


Microsegmentation is a technique that security architects employ to logically split a network into separate security segments. It enables deploying flexible security policies deep inside a data center via network virtualization technology, rather than installing several physical firewalls. Microsegmentation can help protect each virtual machine (VM) in a network using policy-driven, application-level security controls.

Secure Remote Access

Access controls determine which users and devices can access certain internal or cloud resources. Modern access control implementations include secure remote access and zero trust network access (ZTNA). Secure remote access incorporates various technologies that address authentication, endpoint security, the elevation of privileges, and secure remote connections.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Zero trust security is a model that requires suspecting all entities within the networks, including internal users. It shifts away from traditional security that treated only externals suspiciously. Zero trust network access (ZTNA), or software-defined perimeter (SDP), solutions enable organizations to specify and enforce granular access to applications and grant access according to the least privileges principle.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

VPNs protect users’ identities by masking their IP address and location and encrypting their data. Using a VPN eliminates the need to connect to the Internet directly. VPNs help organizations and individuals protect themselves when connecting to unsafe networks like public WiFi connections in airports and coffee shops.

Network Access Control (NAC)

NAC uses tools and policies to prevent unauthorised access to protected networks, assigning specific accounts and role-based permissions to internal users, granting limited access to guest users, and registering company-approved devices while restricting access based on device OS or security software.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

DLP solutions help prevent employees from sharing company information and sensitive data outside the network. It helps prevent actions that unwittingly or maliciously expose data to external actors outside the network.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

SIEM solutions provide comprehensive visibility into activities within the protected network. It collects and aggregates log data generated by the organization’s unified security framework, including firewalls, advanced threat protection systems, IPS, and NAC. SIEM analysis provides granular insights into network traffic and signatures to help administrators make informed decisions on improving network security and minimizing threat exposure.

Endpoint Protection

Endpoint security is a multi-layered approach that helps protect against threats originating at end-user endpoints, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, connected to the network. The goal is to keep data, devices, and networks safe by applying various mechanisms like antivirus software, encryption, and DLP.

We understand that every business has unique needs when it comes to security. We continually scan the marketing to ensure we have the best in breed security technologies to fulfill our customers security needs.

Our security partners in Network Cloud Security

Why Peritus

Our capabilities as a cyber security specialist focus on providing disruptive security technologies, services, and bespoke professional service engagements. We aim to help our customers stay ahead of the curve by evaluating fast-growing and innovative technologies that enhance and complement their security environments. At Peritus, we value our customers as more than just numbers; we consider them design partners. Once they onboard with us, we become an extension to their security teams.

We understand that each customer has unique needs, and therefore, we do not adopt a 'one-size-fits-all' approach. As specialists in the market, we excel in security and focus on delivering solutions tailored to our customers' specific requirements.