Assured Service Provider

Peritus' cyber advisors team is available to assist with and evaluate your Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus application.

Cyber Advisor

Launched in April 2023, the NCSC’s Cyber Advisor scheme aims to provide small and medium sized organisations with reliable security advice and practical support by directing them towards trusted service providers.

As partner of an assured Service Provider under the Cyber Advisor scheme with years of experience providing certification to the Cyber Essentials scheme, Peritus’ Cyber Advisors (Cyber Essentials) can offer Cyber Essentials guidance which is informed by experience and aligned with the NCSC’s high standards. You do not need to be aiming for Cyber Essentials certification to take advantage of our Cyber Advisors’ expertise. While they will specifically support and advise in line with the Cyber Essentials technical controls, our advisors can also help small organisations which don’t need to certify but are looking to gain an equivalent level of security.

Our Cyber Advisors can offer you a range of advisory and support services to help you align your cyber security measures with the Cyber Essentials technical controls. This includes gap analysis to assess your existing internet-facing IT against the Cyber Essentials controls, providing a report on your current status. We can also work with you to agree and plan remediation activities that align with your organisation’s risk and priorities. Following this, we are able to assist with implementing remediation activities or guide your technical team to do so, always remaining aware of your organisation’s need to maintain operationality. Once the implementation process is complete, we can develop and present post-engagement reports which describe the remediation work undertaken, as well as any residual risk and recommendations for reducing those risks.

Peritus is also an Assured Service Provider under the National Cyber Security (NCSC) Cyber Incident Exercising (CIE) scheme which is administered by IASME. Cyber incident exercising is vital to your organisation’s preparedness as it simulates real-world cyber threats, allowing you to assess, practice and improve your response capabilities. As an Assured Service Provider assured Peritus is ideally and uniquely placed to assist you create and facilitate bespoke and structured table top and live play cyber incident exercises.

Why Peritus

Our capabilities as a cyber security specialist focus on providing disruptive security technologies, services, and bespoke professional service engagements. We aim to help our customers stay ahead of the curve by evaluating fast-growing and innovative technologies that enhance and complement their security environments. At Peritus, we value our customers as more than just numbers; we consider them design partners. Once they onboard with us, we become an extension to their security teams.

We understand that each customer has unique needs, and therefore, we do not adopt a 'one-size-fits-all' approach. As specialists in the market, we excel in security and focus on delivering solutions tailored to our customers' specific requirements.